Technical Reports and Media

FDA-funded or Mission-Related Publications: A Selection from WCFS Scientists


Harris, L. J. Bibliography for Walnut Food Safety: Publications in support of a Walnut Food Safety Plan 2024. [Bibliography]. Available at:


FAO and WHO (Harris, L.J. was an expert who participated in the meeting). 2022. Ranking of low moisture foods in support of microbiological risk management: meeting report and systematic review. Microbiological Risk Assessment Series No. 26. Rome.

Harris, L. J. (one of 25 editors). 2022. Commodity specific food safety guidelines for the dry bulb onion supply chain. 2nd Edition, National Onion Association and International Fresh Produce Association. July 2022.

Harris, L. J., and N. Parkinson. 2022. Is your product an “acidified food”? Available at:

Harris, L. J., and S. Yada. 2022. Prevalence and levels of foodborne pathogens on flour and cereal grain products [Tables and references]. In Flour & Cereal Grains – Surveys for foodborne pathogens. Available at:

Harris, L. J., and S. Yada. 2018 (Updated February & November 2019, November 2020, Feb. 2022, Sept. 2022). Flour and cereal grain products: foodborne illness outbreaks and product recalls [Tables and references]. In Flour & Cereal Grains – Outbreaks and Recalls. Available at:

Harris, L.J., J. Jung, and S. Yada. (Updated November 2019, November 2020, Feb. 2022, Sept. 2022). Publications on the microbial safety of wheat, flour, and cereal grains [Bibliography]. Available at:

Harris, L. J., S. Yada, L. R. Beuchat, and M. D. Danyluk. 2018 (Updated February & September 2019, November 2020, July 2021, September 2022). Prevalence and levels of foodborne pathogens on naturally contaminated nuts and edible seeds (version 2) [Tables 1–4 and references]. In Surveys for foodborne pathogens on nuts. Available at:

Harris, L. J., and S. Yada. 2018. (Updated February & September 2019, November 2020, July 2021, November 2021, August 2022). Outbreaks of foodborne illness associated with the consumption of tree nut, legume, and seed pastes [Table and references]. In Outbreaks from tree nut, legume, and seed pastes. Available at:

Harris, L. J., S. Yada, L. R. Beuchat, and M. D. Danyluk. 2018. (Updated February & September & December 2019, November 2020, July 2021, November 2021, August 2022). Outbreaks of foodborne illness associated with the consumption of tree nuts, peanuts, and sesame seeds [Table and references]. (version 2) In Outbreaks from tree nuts, peanuts, and sesame seeds. Available at:

Jay-Russell, M.T. 2022. California Leafy Green Marketing Agreement (LGMA) Lettuce Safety Blog: The Farmer and the Rancher CAN be Friends: Dr. Michele Jay-Russel, UC Davis, explains more about the CA Ag Neighbors program. Available at:

Jay-Russell MT, Soto Martinez E, Antaki-Zukowski E, Zukowski C. 2022. Fish Tank Effluent Sampling System. U.S. patent US 11,234,681 B2 filed Feb 14, 2019, issued Feb 1, 2022.

Lapsley, K. and L. J. Harris. 2022. Nut pasteurization to ensure food safety: Almond case study. NutFruit Magazine 87(3):23-24.

Leaman S., S., Salas, D.A., Davis, R.E., Mandrell, T.V., Suslow, M., Jay-Russell, D.A., Davis. 2022. Environmental risk factors in the human pathogen transmission pathways between animal operations and produce crops. Food Protect. Trends. 5:362-376. DOI: 10.4315/FPT-21-041

Members of the AVMA Committee on Antimicrobials, Fajt VR, Lehenbauer TW, Plummer PJ, Robbins RC, Scheftel JM, Singer RS, Canon AJ, Frey E, Gaunt PS, Papich MG, Parker TM, Brookshire C, Cervantes H, Jay-Russell MT, Schnabel LV, Smith DR, Wright LR, Costin M. 2022. A Call to Action for Veterinarians and Partners in Animal Health to Collect Antimicrobial Use Data for the Purposes of Supporting Medical Decision-Making and Antimicrobial Stewardship. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 260(8): 853-859.

Theofel, C., S. Yada, and L. J. Harris. 2019 (Updated June 2021). Surrogate organisms for low moisture foods – published treatments [Tables and references]. Available at:

Yada, S., and L. J. Harris. 2018. (Updated February & September 2019, November 2020, July & November 2021, August 2022). Publications on the microbial safety of nuts and sesame seeds [Bibliography] (version 2). Available at:

Yada, S., and L. J. Harris. 2018. (Updated February & September 2019, November 2020, July 2021, August 2022). Recalls of tree nuts and peanuts in the U.S., 2001 to present (version 2) [Table and references]. In U.S. recalls of nuts. Available at:


R.F. Bond. 2021. California Farm Food Safety E-Learning Series. Production Agricultural Water. 

May 13th- Approaching an inspection/risk assessment of your pre-harvest agricultural water system. (

June 17th- Agricultural water - sampling and research in action. ( 

June 17th- Water quality publication - special section. (


R.F. Bond2020. Spill Response Plan for Irrigation Water Supplies. Prepared for Western Center for Food Safety and the Washington State Water Resources Association. 


R. F. Bond. 2019. FSMA: Aseptic Water Sampling: California Specialty Crop Growers Training: WIFSS Outreach Team.


Harris, L. J., and S. Yada. 2018. Outbreaks of foodborne illness associated with the consumption of tree nut, legume, and seed pastes [Table and references]. In Outbreaks from tree nut, legume, and seed pastes. Available at:

Harris, L. J., S. Yada, L. R. Beuchat, and M. D. Danyluk. 2018. Prevalence and levels of foodborne pathogens on naturally contaminated nuts and edible seeds (version 2) [Tables 1–4 and references]. In Surveys for foodborne pathogens on nuts. Available at:

Harris, L. J., S. Yada, L. R. Beuchat, and M. D. Danyluk. 2018. Storage survival studies of foodborne pathogens on nuts, nut pastes, and seed paste products [Tables 1–2 and references]. In Survival of foodborne pathogens on nuts. Available at:

Yada, S., and L. J. Harris. 2018. Recalls of tree nuts and peanuts in the U.S., 2001 to present (version 2) [Table and references]. In U.S. recalls of nuts. Available at:


Harris, L. J., and S. Yada. 2017. Wheat flour and flour products: foodborne illness outbreaks and product recalls [Tables and references]. In Outbreaks and recalls from flour and flour products. Available at:

Harris, L. J., S. Yada, L. R. Beuchat, and M. D. Danyluk. February 6, 2017 (updated January 2018). Inactivation of microorganisms in nuts and nut pastes – published treatments [Tables and references]. Available at:

Mashiana, R. and L. J. Harris. October 2, 2017. Determining your microbiological water quality profile (MWQP) for untreated surface water used in the production of fresh produce, Version 6.0. (Excel spreadsheet–based tool.) Available at:

Palumbo, M., L. R. Beuchat, M. D. Danyluk, and L. J. Harris. February 6, 2017. Publications on the microbial safety of nuts and sesame seeds. [Bibliography]. Available at:


R. F. Bond. 2016. FSMA water sampling 101: Tips for sampling irrigation canal water. YouTube, 2016.

Bond, R. F., M. L. Partyka, and J. A. Chase2016. Water Sampling 101. Good Fruit Grower Magazine. July 13th 2016. Article by Shannon Dininny-Good Fruit Grower.

Partyka, M.L., R. F. Bond, and I. Hanrahan2016Water Sampling Done Simply. Washington State University Tree Fruit Extension. Washington State University/Washington State Tree Fruit Research Commission/Western Center for Food Safety.

Partyka, M. L., R. F. Bond, and E. R. Atwill. 2016. Grazing management practice implementation and assessment in one or more targeted watersheds in the Lahontan Region, or “Rivers and Ranches” Final Report prepared for the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board, Agreement Number (BSTP-UCD-11-01).


Li, X., E. R. Atwill and R. F. Bond. 2015. Developing and validating methods for accurately measuring the shedding of Escherichia coli O157:H7 by rangeland cattle and assessing water quality. Final Report: Russell L. Rustici Rangeland and Cattle Research Endowment, CAES, UC Davis. March 31st.


Macias, C. (R.F. Bond quoted) Farm to warfare: UC Davis institute stands watch against agroterrorism. Food and Drink. Sacramento Bee, July 12th, 2014.

Harris, L. J., M. Palumbo, L. R. Beuchat, and M. D. Danyluk. 2014. Outbreaks of foodborne illness associated with the consumption of tree nuts, peanuts, and sesame seeds [Table and references]. In Outbreaks from tree nuts, peanuts, and sesame seeds. Available at:


Palumbo, M., Harris, L. J., & Danyluk, M. D. 2013. Outbreaks of foodborne illness associated with common berries, 1983 through May 2013. FSHN 13-08, 1–9.

Palumbo, M., L. J. Harris, and M. D. Danyluk. 2013. Survival of pathogens on berries. Food Science and Human Nutrition Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. FSHN13-12, 1-11.


Atwill, E.R., M. Partyka, R.F. Bond, X. Li, C. Xiao, B. Karle, L.E. Kiger. 2012. Introduction to waterborne pathogens in agricultural watersheds. USDA Natural Resources Conservation Services, Nutrient Management Technical Note No. 9, September 2012.

Danyluk, M.D., R.M. Goodrich-Schneider, K.R. Schneider, L.J. Harris, and R.W. Worobo. 2012.  Outbreaks of foodborne disease associated with fruit and vegetable juices, 1922-2010.  FSHN12-04.  Food Science and Human Nutrition Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida.

Fox, B.K., C.S. Tamaru, J. Hollyer, L.R. Castro, J.M. Fonseca, M. Jay-Russell, and T. Low. 2012. A preliminary study of microbial water quality related to food safety in recirculating aquaponic fish and vegetable production systems. College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawaii at Manoa, FST-51.

Harris, L.J. 2012. Prevention and control of Salmonella and enterohemorrhagic E. coli in tree nuts (pp 1-4). FAO, Emergency Prevention System (EMPRES) Food Safety, Lessons Learned Series No. 2.


Bond, R. F., M. L. Partyka, and E. R. Atwill. 2010. Source identification, optimized monitoring, and local outreach for reducing animal agricultural inputs of pathogens into the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Estuary. State Water Resources Control Board, Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.