Published Abstracts

FDA-funded or Mission-Related Publications: A Selection from WCFS Scientists


Cheong, S. C. Chandler-Khayd, S. Williams, A. Gaudin, P. Aminabadi, M. Jay-Russell, E. Evans, L. Klossner, P. Paglian, P. Millner, A. Kenney, F. Hashem, and A. Pires. 2024. Random forest models of meteriological and soil health effects on presence of generic E. coli in fresh produce fields grazed by small ruminants. (Abstract T11-05). Annual IAFP Meeting 2024, Long Beach, CA, July 14-17.

Long, X., Y. Xie, N. Nitin, and L. J. Harris. 2024. Transfer of Salmonella enterica and Enterococcus faecium from food-contact surfaces to stone fruits. (Abstract P3-187). Annual IAFP Meeting 2024, Long Beach, CA, July 14-17. 

Nguyen, C., P. Aminabadi, Z. R. Xiong, G. Magallon, A. Zwieniecka, M. Castaneda, J. Diaz-Ramierez, M. Sharma, and M. Jay-Russell. 2024. Microbiological risk assessment of biological soil amendments of animal origin and corn steep liquor on the attenuation of Escherichia coli in organic romaine lettuce production of California’s low desert region: 2022-2023 season. (Abstract T11-03). Annual IAFP Meeting 2024, Long Beach, CA, July 14-17.

Nie, K., S. Cheong, J. N. Baron, T. Ramos, P. Aminabadi, M. Jay-Russell, P. Milner, P. Paglian, M. Hutchinson, A. Kenney, F. Hashem, and A. Pires. 2024. Zero-inflated negative binomial modeling to assess of generic E. coli presence in soil amended with untreated manure in certified organic farms. (Abstract T4-11). Annual IAFP Meeting 2024, Long Beach, CA, July 14-17.

Wei, X., Aggrawal, A., Bond, R.F., Atwill, E.R. 2024. Low to zero concentrations of airborne bacterial pathogens and indicator E. coli in proximity to beef cattle feedlots in Imperial Valley, California 9th annual UC Davis Postdoctoral Research Symposium. April 26th, 2024.

Xie, Y., N. Nitin, and L. J. Harris. 2024. Modeling contamination of peaches from food contact surfaces during simulated dry postharvest handling. (Abstract P2-227). Annual IAFP Meeting 2024, Long Beach, CA, July 14-17. 

Xiong, Z. R., E. Gabriel, A. Gutierrez, C. East, K. Kniel, M. Jay-Russell, and M. Sharma. 2024. Organic fertilizers support survival of pathogenic and non-pathogenic Escherichia coli in soils and sporadic transfer to romaine lettuce. (Abstract P3-124). Annual IAFP Meeting 2024, Long Beach, CA, July 14-17.

Wang, H., and L. J. Harris 2024. Evaluation of preparation steps used to inoculate almonds with Enterococcus faecium NRRL B-2354. (Abstract P1-173). Annual IAFP Meeting 2024, Long Beach, CA, July 14-17. 


Abdallah Ruiz, A.J.F. Anderson, R.F. Bond, E.R. Atwill, and Silva, Juan. 2023. Assessing agricultural water system in two Mississippi small farms – a pilot study. Mississippi Water Resources Conference. March 28th-29th. Starkville, MS.

Aminabadi P, Diaz-Ramirez J, Magallon G, Zwieniecka A, Castaneda M, Sharma M, Jay-Russell M. 2023. E. coli Survival in an Organic Romaine Lettuce Field Amended with Treated Biological Soil Amendments of Animal Origin in the Southwest Desert, 2021–2022. (Abstract T13-10). International Association for Food Protection (IAFP) Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada (Jul 16-20).

Bond, R.F., Silva, J.L., Abdallah-Ruiz, A., Atwill, E.R. 2023. Microbial water quality of agricultural water systems in Mississippi and Alabama: The risks to fresh produce. Proceedings of the 2023 Mississippi Water Resources Conference, 2023.

Cheong, S, Chandler C, Williams S, Gaudin A, Aminabadi P, Jay-Russell M, Evans M, Klossner L, Pagliari P, Millner P, Kenney A, Hashem F, Pires A. 2023. Risk Factors Associated with the Presence of Generic E. coli in Fresh Produce Fields with Crop-Livestock Integration in California and Minnesota (Abstract P2-123). International Association for Food Protection (IAFP) Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada (Jul 16-20).

Jay-Russell, MT, Aminabadi P, Latack B, Zwieniecka A, Castaneda M. 2023. Fecal Shedding of Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli in a Small Cattle Feed Yard in Close Proximity to Leafy Greens (Abstract P2-112). International Association for Food Protection (IAFP) Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada (Jul 16-20). 

Nie K, Baron J, Ramos T, Aminabadi P, Jay-Russell M, Millner P, Pagliari P, Hutchinson M, Kenney A, Hashem F, Pires A. 2023. Risk Factors Associated with Generic E. coli Contamination of Fresh Produce Grown in Manure-Amended Soils in Organic Farms (Abstract T13-11). International Association for Food Protection (IAFP) Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada (Jul 16-20). 


Bakin, C.B., C., McGovern, M.V., Melendez, C., Kessler, L.K., Strawn, D.W., Schaffner, R.A., Baldwin, N.A., Brassill, R.L., Buchanan, F., Critzer, L.L., Dunn, A.H., Havelaar, M., JayRussell, K.C.C., Jeong, W.L., Kline, K.E., Kniel, M.D., Krug, N., Montazen, R., MunozCarpena, T., O'Bannon, R.L., Scharff, K.R., Schneider, M., Sharma, R.V., Tikekar, M.D., Danyluk, B., Kowalcyk, K., Morgan, A., Hamilton.. 2022. Ranking produce safety priorities of fresh produce industry stakeholders in the United States. (Abstract T8-01). IAFP Annual Conference. Pittsburgh, PA. July 31 – August 1. 

Cheong, S., C.V., Chandler, S., Williams, A. Gaudin, E., Evands, L., Klossner, P. Pagliari, M., Jay-Russell, P., Aminabadi, P.D., Millner, F., Hashem, A., Pires. 2022. Presence and persistence of generic E. coli, STEC, and Listeria monocytogenes in certified organic integrated-crop livestock farm spinach fields in California and Minnesota. (Abstract P1-70).  IAFP Annual Conference. Pittsburgh, PA. July 31 – August 1. 

Moorman, M. A., N. M. Anderson, A. Tatavarthy, B. P. Marks, Y. Feng., L. J. Harris, K. Siliveru, K. A. Stevens, and S. P. Nguyen. 2022. Flour and shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC): What can be done to prevent outbreaks? (Abstract RT2). IAFP Annual Conference. Pittsburgh, PA. July 31 – August 1.  

Moyne, A., J. A. Kase, S. R. Leonars, P. Aminabadi, E. R. Atwill, C. Champ, D. W. Lacher, M. Mammel, M. Jay-Russell, L. J. Harris. 2022. A comparison of methods for recovery of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli from agricultural soils. (Abstract P2-122). IAFP Annual Conference. Pittsburgh, PA. July 31 – Aug. 1. 

Moyne, A., P. Ramachandran, P. Aminabadi, R. Bell, E. R. Atwill, C. Grim, M. Jay-Russell, L. J. Harris. 2022. A comparison of methods for recovery of Salmonella from agricultural soils. (Abstract P2-123). IAFP Annual Conference. Pittsburgh, PA. July 31 – August 1. 

Swinehart, M., L. J. Harris, H. Louvau, Y. Feng. 2022. Content analysis of online tree nut recipes: Soaked nuts and nut-based dairy alternatives. (Abstract P2-59). IAFP Annual Conference. Pittsburgh, PA. July 31 – August 1. 

Swinehart, M., L. J. Harris, N. M. Anderson, and Y. Feng. 2022. Food safety implications of nut-based dairy alternatives and soaked nuts. (Abstract P2-60). IAFP Annual Conference. Pittsburgh, PA. July 31 – August 1. 


Aminabadi, P., J. N. Diaz-Ramirez, Juan Buenrostro, G. Magallon and M. Jay-Russell. 2021. Transfer of Indicator Escherichia coli to Romaine Lettuce Grown in Organic and Conventional Fields Amended with Animal-based Soil Fertilizers in the Southwestern Desert, 2019–2020 (v). (Abstract P3-43). Annual IAFP Meeting 2021, Phoenix AZ, July 18-21.

Cheong, S., M. Jay-Russell, C. Chandler, V. Haghani, P. Aminabadi, S. Williams, N. Tautges, A. Gaudin,  and A. Pires. 2021. Crop-Livestock Integration in Vegetable Production; Survival of Generic E. coli and Non-O157 STEC in Organic Fields Grazed by Sheep (v). (Abstract T6-02) Annual IAFP Meeting 2021, Phoenix AZ, July 18-21.

Estrada, E. M., A. Moyne, and L. J. Harris. 2021. Using whole genome sequencing to characterize the genetic diversity of Salmonella enterica isolated from raw inshell pistachios. (Abstract P1-110). Annual IAFP Meeting 2021, Phoenix AZ, July 18-21.

Jay-Russell, M. 2021. Ecological and Agricultural Factors Influencing Pathogen Die-Off in Conventional and Organic Vegetable Fields Following Use of Biological Soil Amendments of Animal Origin (v). In: S13: Balancing Food Safety and Soil Health through the Use of Biological Soil Amendments (v), Annual IAFP Meeting 2021, Phoenix AZ, July 18-21.

Jung, J. and L. J. Harris. 2021. Thermal inactivation of Salmonella and Enterococcus faecium during walnut toasting (Abstract T13-04). Annual IAFP Meeting 2021, Phoenix, AZ, July 18-21. 

Lieberman, V. M., E. M. Estrada, and L. J. Harris. 2021. Microbial risks associated with soaking and subsequent drying of walnut kernels (Abstract P1-113). Annual IAFP Meeting 2021, Phoenix, AZ, July 18-21.

Theofel, C., V. M. Lieberman, E. M. Estrada, and L. J. Harris. 2021. Survival of inoculated generic Escherichia coli on walnuts at different phases of fruit maturity (Abstract P2-137). Annual IAFP Meeting 2021, Phoenix, AZ, July 18-21.

Waite-Cusic, J., S. Reitz, D. Wright, A. Moyne, and L. J. Harris. 2021. Relative risks of poor water quality used in onion production: drip irrigation vs. foliar spray, in session “Beyond Chemistry: Consumer Acceptance of Flavor, Food Safety and Health Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables”, ACS Spring 2021, Virtual, April 5-30.


Aminabadi P., A. Pires, P. Millner, A. Zwieniecka, T. Ramos and M. Jay-Russell. Transfer of Indicator Escherichia coli to Spinach, Carrots and Tomatoes Grown in Organic Soil Amended with Raw Animal Manure in California, 2018-2019 (Abstract P3-150). Annual IAFP Meeting 2020, Virtual, October 26-28.

Chen, Z., P. Aminabadi, P. Rivadeneira, J. Meng and M. Jay-Russell. Whole-Genome Analysis of Shiga Toxin-producing Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. Isolates from Untreated Cattle and Poultry Manures in California and Arizona (Abstract P3-153). Annual IAFP Meeting 2020, Virtual, October 26-28.

Jay-Russell, M., L. Patterson, K. Lee, A. Zwieniecka, P. Aminabadi and A. Pires. Experimental Field Trial to Assess Escherichia coli Presence and Concentration in Organic Soil and Tomatoes Following Sheep Rotational Grazing on Cover Crop (Abstract P3-154), Annual IAFP Meeting 2020, Virtual, October 26-28.

Jung, J., and L. J. HarrisSurvival of Salmonella and Shiga Toxin-producing Escherichia coli during Tempering of Wheat Berries, (Abstract P2-114)Annual IAFP Meeting 2020, Virtual, October 26-28.

Jung, J., and L. J. HarrisDesiccation and Acid Tolerance of Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli Associated with Low-Moisture Foods, (Abstract P2-115)Annual IAFP Meeting 2020, Virtual, October 26-28.

Kenney, A., F. Hashem, A. Pires, M. Jay-Russell, P. D. Millner and A. Collick. Precipitation and Soil Moisture Effects on Survival and Transfer of Escherichia coli to Fresh Produce in Manure-Amended Certified Organic (Abstract P3-62) Annual IAFP Meeting 2020, Virtual, October 26-28.

Pires, A., T. Ramos, P. D. Millner, J. Stover, P. Pagliari, M. Hutchinson, J. Liley, N. Rowley, P. Aminabadi, J. Baron, A. Kenney, F. Hashem and M .Jay-Russell. Risk Factors Associated with Prevalence of Foodborne Pathogens in Manured Soils from USDA-NOP-Certified Organic Farms in Four Regions of USA, (Abstract T3-04). Annual IAFP Meeting 2020, Virtual, October 26-28.

Pires, A., T. Ramos, P. D. Millner, J. Stover, P. Pagliari, M. Hutchinson, J. Liley, N. Rowley, P. Aminabadi, J. Baron, A. Kenney, F. Hashem and M .Jay-Russell. Risk Factors Associated with Escherichia coli Persistence in Soils Amended with Raw Manure in Certified Organic Farming Systems in Four Regions of USA (Abstract P3-145). Annual IAFP Meeting 2020, Virtual, October 26-28.

Sheng L., L. J. Harris, and L. WangSurvival of Foodborne Pathogens in Citrus Storage and Finishing Waxes, (Abstract P2-77)Annual IAFP Meeting 2020, Virtual, October 26-28.

Theofel, C., V. Lieberman, and L. J. HarrisSurvival of Inoculated Generic Escherichia coli on Almonds at Different Phases of Maturity, (Abstract P3-126)Annual IAFP Meeting 2020, Virtual, October 26-28.


Aminabadi, P., A. Pires, P. Millner, A. Zwieniecka, T. Ramos, M. Jay-Russell. (Abstract P2-180). Transfer of Indicator Escherichia coli to Spinach and Carrots Grown in Organic Soil Amended with Raw Animal Manure in California, 2017 to 2018 Annual IAFP Meeting 2019, Louisville, KY, July 21-24.

Chase, J.A., M.L. Partyka, R.F. Bond, E.R. Atwill. (Abstract T1-05). Environmental Inactivation and Irrigation-mediated Regrowth of Escherichia coli O157: H7 on Romaine Lettuce When Inoculated in a Fecal Slurry Matrix  Annual IAFP Meeting 2019, Louisville, KY, July 21-24.

Bond, R.F., M.L. Partyka, J.A. Chase, I. Hanrahan, J. Harter, E.R. Atwill (Abstract T1-11). The Whole is Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts: Building Cooperative Monitoring Programs among Farms  Annual IAFP Meeting 2019, Louisville, KY, July 21-24.

Kenney, A., F. Hashem, A. Pires, M. Jay-Russell, P. Millner. (Abstract P2-230). Effects of Manuring on Survival of E. coli in Certified Organic Field Soils and Transfer to Fresh Produce in the Delmarva Region  Annual IAFP Meeting 2019, Louisville, KY, July 21-24.

Liu, J., M. Jay-Russell, P. Aminabadi, Y. Zhu, D. Lemay, D. Mills. (Abstract T7-10). The Microbial Ecology and Resistome of Raw and Pasteurized Retail Milk  Annual IAFP Meeting 2019, Louisville, KY, July 21-24.

Ramos, T., M. Jay-Russell, P. Millner, J. Stover, P. Pagliari, M. Hutchinson, J. Liley, N. Rowley, P. Aminabadi, J. Baron, A. Kenney, F. Hashem, A. Pires. (Abstract P2-188). A Multi-Regional Study of Generic Escherichia coli Persistence in Soils Amended with Raw Manure and Produce in Organic Farming Systems  Annual IAFP Meeting 2019, Louisville, KY, July 21-24.

Ramos, T., M. Jay-Russell, P. Millner, J. Stover, P. Pagliari, M. Hutchinson, J. Liley, N. Rowley, P. Aminabadi, J. Baron, A. Kenney, F. Hashem, A. Pires. (Abstract P2-189). Multi-Regional Prevalence and Persistence of Four Foodborne Pathogens in Manured Soils in Certified Organic Farms  Annual IAFP Meeting 2019, Louisville, KY, July 21-24.

Stover, J., M. Jay-Russell, V. Hagahani, P. Aminabadi, T. Ramos, A. Pires. (Abstract T1-10). Salmonella and Indicator Bacteria Profiles of Produce and Meat Products Sold in Northern California Farmers' Markets: Implications for Microbial Food Safety  Annual IAFP Meeting 2019, Louisville, KY, July 21-24.

Wu, X. and E. DiCaprio. (Abstract T6-02).  Evaluation of Viral Food Safety Risks of Reusing Tailwater for Leafy Green Production  Annual IAFP Meeting 2019, Louisville, KY, July 21-24.

Yan, J., W. Ristenpart, and L. J. Harris. (Abstract P3-153). Factors That Impact Survival of Salmonella during Storage of Beans and Batch Production of Cold Brew Coffee  Annual IAFP Meeting 2019, Louisville, KY, July 21-24.


Aminabadi, P., L. Patterson, A. Pires, P. Millner, M. Jay-Russell. 2018. Field validation of minimum application intervals for raw animal manure used as a soil amendment at a certified organic research farm in California, (Abstract P1-182)  Annual IAFP Meeting 2018, Salt Lake City, UT, July 8-11.

Aminabadi, P., T. Ramos, S. Gartley, X. Wei, A. Zwieniecka, K. Kniel, M. Jay-Russell. 2018. Interlaboratory validation of a streamlined method for the enumeration of Salmonella and Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli in cattle and poultry manure samples, (Abstract P2-183)   Annual IAFP Meeting 2018, Salt Lake City, UT, July 8-11.

Baker, C., B. Bertoldi, P. Kurdmongkoltham, L. Dunn, T. Chapin, M. Jay-Russell, M.D. Danyluk, J. De, K. Schneider. 2018. Preliminary data on the prevalence and concentration of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli in bovine manure in Florida. 2018. (Abstract P1-143), Annual IAFP Meeting 2018, Salt Lake City, UT, July 8-11.

Barouei, J., D.W. Schaffner, L.J. Harris. 2018. Modeling the risk of salmonellosis in the North American market from consumption of walnut kernels produced in the United States (Abstract T1-07)  Annual IAFP Meeting 2018, Salt Lake City, UT, July 8-11.

Chen, Z., P. Aminabadi, A.Zwieniecka, X.Wei, M Jay-Russell. 2018.Transfer of indicator Escherichia coli to spinach grown in soil amended with raw animal manure associated with heavy winter rains in California, 2016 to 2017, (Abstract P1-191) Annual IAFP Meeting 2018, Salt Lake City, UT, July 8-11.

Feng, Y., V. Lieberman, L.J. Harris. 2018. An examination of microbiological risks associated with almond soaking and drying  (Abstract P2-85), Annual IAFP Meeting 2018, Salt Lake City, UT, July 8-11.

Gartley, S., De Ramos, T., E. Nyarko, T. Souza, M. T. Jay-Russell, Y. Chen, P. Rivadeinera, R. Pouillot, P. Aminabadi, R. Bell, D. Oryang, D. T. Ingram, J. M. Van Doren, K. E. Kniel. 2018. Manure pathogen survey of Salmonella and Shiga toxin producing Escherichia coli in untreated poultry and cattle manure of the mid-Atlantic region, (Abstract P1-147) Annual IAFP Meeting 2018, Salt Lake City, UT, July 8-11.

Illanes, O., E. Antaki-Zukoski, R.N. Fong, M. Jay-Russell, G. Mangalam, P. Aminabadi, F.D.A.  Sebastião, B. Martínez López, F. Conte, S. Taber, E. Sot. 2018. Challenge of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) with Salmonella enterica Typhimurium in a recirculating aquaponics system. 8th International Symposium on Aquatic Animal Health, Charlottetown, Pei, Canada, September 2-6.

Jay-Russell, M., R.L.Bell, J.Pettengill, P. Rivadeneira, P. Aminabadi1, D. Ingram, H.Rand, P. Pandey, J. Van Doren, Y. Chen. 2018. Molecular characterization of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli and Salmonella isolates from untreated cattle and poultry manure sources at livestock farms and composting facilities in the Western United States, (Abstract T3-04)  Annual IAFP Meeting 2018, Salt Lake City, UT, July 8-11.

Jay-Russell, M., Y. Chen, P. Rivadeneira, R. Pouillot, P. Aminabadi, P. Pandey, R.L. Bell, D. Oryang, D. Ingram, K. Kniel, J.Van Doren. 2018. Prevalence and levels of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli and Salmonella in untreated cattle and poultry manure in the west coast of United States, (Abstract P1-06) Annual IAFP Meeting 2018, Salt Lake City, UT, July 8-11.

Jay-Russell, M.T., E. Antaki-Zukoski, G. Mangalam, P. Aminabadi, F.A. Sebastião, B. Martínez López, F. Conte, O. Illanes, R.N. Fong, S. Taber, E. Soto. 2018. Evaluation of food safety risks in aquaponic production of vegetables and tilapia. Aquaculture America 2018, Las Vegas, NV, February 19-22.

Jeamsripong, S., R. Chuanchuen, E.R. Atwill. 2018. Assessment of bacterial accumulation and environmental factors in sentinel oysters and estuarine water quality from the Phang Nga Estuary area in Thailand. 17th Chulalongkorn University Veterinary Conference. Bangkok, Thailand. April 25-27.

Kenney, A. P. Millner, A. Pires, M. Jay-Russell, Fawzy Hashem. 2018. Survival of E. coli in Manure-amended Certified Organic Soils and Transfer to Tomatoes, Radish, and Spinach in Maryland Eastern Shore, American Society for Horticultural Science, Washington D.C., July 30-August 3.

Kenney, A., F. Hashem, A. Pires, M. Jay-Russell, P. Millner. 2018. Survival of Escherichia coli in manure-amended soils and transfer to tomato, radish, and spinach on a Maryland certified organic farm (Abstract P1-139) Annual IAFP Meeting 2018, Salt Lake City, UT, July 8-11.

Kovacevic, J., M. Bunning, C.DeWitt, E. DiCaprio, L.J. Harris, R. McGorrin, M. Morrissey, B. Rasco, A. Saulo. 2018. Development of add-on training materials customized for the Western United States to supplement the standardized curricula for the Food Safety Modernization Act's Preventive Controls for Human Food and Produce Safety Rules, (Abstract P2-12), Annual IAFP Meeting 2018, Salt Lake City, UT, July 8-11.

Li, B, E. Lipp, J. Maurer, W. Wang, S. Leonard, M. Jay-Russell6, G. Vellidis, M. Mammel, H.i Liu, C. Grim. 2018. Whole genome analysis of Salmonella serovars isolated from produce irrigation water from the State of Georgia (Abstract P2-222) Annual IAFP Meeting 2018, Salt Lake City, UT, July 8-11.

Long, R.F., L.A. Sellers, M.T. Jay-Russell, X. Li, E.R. Atwill, R.M. Engeman, R.A. Baldwin. 2018. Impact of field-edge habitat on mammalian wildlife abundance, distribution, and vectored foodborne pathogens. 28th Vertebrate Pest Conference. Rohnert Park, CA.  February 27.

Moyne, A.L., L.A. Murphy, M.D. Cahn, S.T. Koike and L.J. Harris. 2018. Impact of irrigation run-off water on the survival of Salmonella and Escherichia coli in soil and on lettuce plants, (Abstract P1-148)  Annual IAFP Meeting 2018, Salt Lake City, UT, July 8-11.

Partyka, M.L., R.F. Bond, J.A. Chase, E.R. Atwill. 2018. Spatiotemporal variability in microbial quality of western agricultural water supplies: A multistate study, (Abstract T11-08),   Annual IAFP Meeting 2018, Salt Lake City, UT, July 8-11.

Patterson, L., N. Navarro-Gonzalez,, P. Aminabadi, M. Jay-Russell, A. Pires. 2018. Risk factors associated with Campylobacter prevalence in livestock raised on small-scale diversified farms in California, (Abstract P2-62)   Annual IAFP Meeting 2018, Salt Lake City, UT, July 8-11.

Ramos, T., Jay-Russell, M., P. Millner, J. Stover, P. Pagliari, M. Hutchinson, J. Liley, F. Hashe. A. Pires. 2018. Multi-regional risk analysis of manure use: survival and persistence of foodborne pathogens in soil and contamination risk of fresh produce in certified organic farms, (Abstract T3-01)   Annual IAFP Meeting 2018, Salt Lake City, UT, July 8-11.

Ramos, T., Jay-Russell, M., P. Millner, J. Stover, P. Pagliari, M. Hutchinson, J. Liley, F. Hashe. A. Pires. 2018. A multi-regional risk analysis of raw manure soil amendment use on certified organic farms: survival of generic Escherichia coli in soil and produce (Abstract T3-03)  Annual IAFP Meeting 2018, Salt Lake City, UT, July 8-11.

Rivadeneira,P, S. Kross, N. Navarro-Gonzalez, M. Jay-Russell. 2018. A review of bird deterrents used in agriculture. 28th Vertebrate Pest Conference. Rohnert Park, CA.  February 27.

Shiroodi, S.G, and L.J. Harris. 2018. Survival of Listeria in imazalil with added peracetic acid and in soda ash fresh citrus fungicide solutions, (Abstract P1-186) Annual IAFP Meeting 2018, Salt Lake City, UT, July 8-11.


Antaki, E., G. Mangalam, P. Aminabadi, F. A. Sebastião, E. Soto, B. Martínez López, F. Conte, S. Taber, M. Jay-Russell. 2017. Assessment of zoonotic risks in aquaponic lettuce production: a prototype for experimental greenhouse trials. (Abstract T1-03), Annual IAFP Meeting 2017, Tampa, FL, July 9-12.

Atwill, E.R. 2017. Interaction between Produce Food Safety, Irrigation Water, And Wildlife Conservation. 2017 Yangling International Agri-Science Forum. Northwest Agricultural and Forestry University, Yangling, China. November 5-7.

Atwill, E.R. and X. Li. 2017. Global trends that increase the risk of foodborne illness from consumption of raw produce. 16th Chulalongkorn University Veterinary Conference.  Bangkok, Thailand. March 22-24.

Atwill, E.R. 2017. Sampling strategies for thresholds of microbial contamination for industrial-scale farms and processing. 16th Chulalongkorn University Veterinary Conference. Bangkok, Thailand. March 22-24.

Atwill, E.R., J. Chase, R.F. Bond, M. Partyka, S. Jeamsripong, M. Jay-Russel, C. Kilonzo, X. Li. 2017. Role of water and animals in microbial contamination of produce in the preharvest environment. 16th Chulalongkorn University Veterinary Conference. Bangkok, Thailand. March 22-24.

Atwill, E.R. 2017. Interaction between produce food safety, irrigation water, and wildlife conservation. 2017 Yangling International Agri-Science Forum. Northwest Agricultural and Forestry University, Yangling, China. November 5-7.

Barouei, J., D.W. Schaffner, and L.J. Harris. 2017. A quantitative risk model to assess postharvest parameters that impact the levels of Salmonella on pistachios. (Abstract T10-01), Annual IAFP Meeting 2017, Tampa, FL, July 9-12.

Cobert, A., and L. J. Harris. 2017. Evaluating the recovery of Salmonella from enriched inshell walnuts, (Abstract P3-55), Annual IAFP Meeting 2017, Tampa Bay, FL, July 9-12.

Jay-Russell, M., S. Biswas, P. Aminabadi, T. de Melo Ramos, P. Pandey, K. Kniel. 2017. Foodborne pathogen levels in bovine and avian raw manure: informing FDA's produce food safety risk assessment for biological soil amendments, (Abstract A-28), American Veterinary Medical Association Annual Convention, Indianapolis, IN, July 21-25.

Jeamsripong, S., E.R. Atwill, R. Chuanchuen. 2017. Links between microbial accumulation and environmental predictors in cultivated oysters and estuarine water along the Adaman coastal area. 16th Chulalongkorn University Veterinary Conference. Bangkok, Thailand. March 22-24.

Lieberman, V., E.W. Morgan, and L.J. Harris. 2017. Reduction of Escherichia coli O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes, or Salmonella on whole yellow onions (Allium cepa) exposed to hot water or diced onions exposed to lime juice, (Abstract P3-88), Annual IAFP Meeting 2017, Tampa FL, July 9-12.

Moussavi, M., C. Theofel, and L.J. Harris. 2017. Thermal tolerance of foodborne pathogens on inoculated pistachios, (Abstract T1-01), Annual IAFP Meeting 2017, Tampa, FL, July 9-12.

Moyne, A.L., L.A. Murphy, M.D. Cahn, S.T. Koike and L.J. Harris. 2017. Microbial quality of tail water in the California Central Coast Salinas Valley, (Abstract P3-230), Annual IAFP Meeting 2017, Tampa, FL, July 9-12.

Muniz Flores, J,A, J.A. Chase, E.R. Atwill, M.O. Rodríguez-García, E. Cabrera-Diaz. 2017. Efficacy and stability of disinfectant solutions applied to papaya (Carica papaya) at packing facilities in Mexico, (Abstract P1-171), Annual IAFP Meeting,Tampa, Florida. July 9-12.

Navarro-Gonzalez, N., L. Patterson, P. Aminabadi, A. Pires, S. Micallef, R. Buchanan, M. Jay-Russell. 2017. Low prevalence of foodborne pathogens found in produce grown on diversified farms in California, (Abstract P3-51), Annual IAFP Meeting 2017, Tampa, FL, July 9-12.

Partyka, M.L., R.F. Bond, J.A. Chase, E.R. Atwill.  Spatiotemporal variability in microbial quality of agricultural water supplies:  Implications for cooperative sampling, (Abstract T7-03), Annual IAFP Meeting 2017, Tampa, FL, July 9-12.

Patterson, L., N. Navarro-Gonzalez, P. Aminabadi, E. Antaki, M. Jay-Russell, A. Pires. 2017. Rotational grazing of sheep within organic crop fields: what is an ideal waiting period to minimize food safety risks? (Abstract P3-83), Annual IAFP Meeting 2017, Tampa, FL, July 9-12.

Patterson, L, N. Navarro-Gonzalez, P. M. T. Jay-Russell , A Pires. 2017. Association between Shiga Toxin-producing Escherichia coli prevalence and biosecurity measures on diversified California farms, (Abstract P2-65), Annual IAFP Meeting 2017, Tampa, FL, July 9-12.

Pinzon, J., K. Kayoshi, J. Roland, A. Sbodio, B. Groschel, W. Chaney, E. Dreyling, M. Jay-Russell, T. Suslow. 2017. Single Marker Detection and virulence gene profiling of STEC in produce and associated farmscape samples, (Abstract P2-195), Annual IAFP Meeting 2017, Tampa, FL, July 9-12.

Shiroodi, S.G, A.L. Moyne, and L.J. Harris. 2017. Efficacy of peracetic acid for inactivation of foodborne pathogens in imazalil fungicide solutions used in citrus packinghouses, (Abstract P3-77), Annual IAFP Meeting 2017, Tampa, FL, July 9-12.

Theofel, C., T. Williams, E. Gutierrez, G. Davidson, M. Jay-Russell, and L.J. Harris. 2017. Transfer of microorganisms from a dairy calf operation to an adjacent pistachio orchard, (Abstract P3-61), Annual IAFP Meeting 2017, Tampa, FL, July 9-12.


Casulli, K., F. Garces, K. Dolan, L. J. Harris, and B. Marks.  2016.  Modeling the effect of product temperature, moisture, and process humidity on thermal inactivation of Salmonella in pistachios, (Abstract P2-19), Annual IAFP Meeting 2016, St. Louis, MO, July 31- August 3.

Drummond, J., F. Boano, E.R. Atwill, X. Li, T. Harter, A. Packman. 2016. Stochastic modeling of Cryptosporidium parvum to predict transport, retention, and downstream exposure. American Geophysical Union Annual Fall Meeting. San Francisco, California. December 12-16.

Harris, L. J., A.-L. Moyne, and V. Lieberman.  2016.  Survival of foodborne pathogens in recirculated fungicides applied to fresh-market citrus fruit, (Abstract PO2-SB-207) Food Micro 2016, Dublin Ireland, July 19-22.

Jay-Russell, M., P. Aminabadi, Y. Chen, D. Ingram, K. Kniel, T. de Melo Ramos, S. Duret, D. Oryang. 2016. Screening and enumerating Salmonella and pathogenic STEC in raw animal manure used as a soil amendment: data collection for risk assessment, 6th Annual FDA Foods and Veterinary Medicine Science Research Conference, Silver Springs, MD, October 25-26.

Lee D, Tertuliano M, Vellidis G, Antaki E, Harris C, Jay-Russell M, Levy K. 2016. Salmonella transport through irrigation systems and the risk of fresh produce contamination on farms in southern Georgia (Abstract P1-18). Annual IAFP Meeting, St. Louis, MO, Jul 31-Aug 3.

Moussavi, M., V. Lieberman, C. Theofel, and L. J. Harris.  2016.  Growth of foodborne pathogens on inoculated pistachios during postharvest handling, (Abstract P2-113), Annual IAFP Meeting 2016, St. Louis, MO, July 31- August 3.

Navarro-Gonzalez N, Patterson L, Wang F, Aminabadi P, Pires A, Micallef SA, Buchanan R, Jay-Russell M. 2016. Diversified farms in California: can one tomato spoil the barrel? (Abstract P2-85). Annual IAFP Meeting, St. Louis, MO, Jul 31-Aug 3.

Patterson L, Navarro-Gonzalez N, Aminabadi P, Jay-Russell M, Pires, A. 2016. Prevalence of foodborne pathogens in livestock raised on small-scale farms in California (Abstract P2-124). International Association for Food Protection (IAFP) Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO, Jul 31-Aug 3.

Patterson L, Navarro-Gonzalez N, Aminabadi P, Jay-Russell M, Pires A. 2016. Evaluating the persistence of Escherichia coli in the soil of an organic farm that integrates sheep grazing within vegetable fields. 2016 Organic Agriculture Research Symposium, Pacific Grove, CA, Jan 20.

Pires, A., M. T. Jay-Russell. 2016. The use of biological soil amendments of animal origin in organic agriculture and food safety risks. 97th Conference of Research Workers in Animal Disease (CRWAD), Chicago, IL, December 4.

Spanninger P, Navarro-Gonzalez N, Kniel K, Jay-Russell M. 2016. Effects of distance on risk associated with wildlife encroachment in field-grown leafy greens (Abstract P-06). Annual IAFP Meeting, St. Louis, MO, Jul 31 - Aug 3.


Aminabadi P, Pinzon J, Kahn-Rivadeneira P, Zwieniecka A, Wong J, Suslow T, Jay-Russell M. 2015. Diversity of O-serotypes and virulence markers of STEC isolates from feedlot cattle and wildlife in the desert southwest (P1-169). Annual IAFP Meeting , Portland, OR, Jul 25-28.

Antaki, D., S. Taber, M. Jay-Russell. 2015. Potential zoonotic risks in aquaponics. Abstract P3-198), Annual IAFP Meeting, Portland, OR, July 25-28.

Davidson, G.R., T. Wiliams, and L. J. Harris.  2015. Impact of handling practices on the microbiota of inshell California walnuts, (Abstract T1-05) Annual Meeting IAFP 2015, Portland, OR, July 25 – 28.

Ginn A, Luo Z, Antaki E, Benson Y, Aminabadi P, Wright AC, Jay-Russell M. 2015. Diversity among Salmonella Isolates from aquatic wildlife associated with irrigation ponds in Southern Georgia. 115th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, New Orleans, LA, May 30-Jun 2.

Harter, T., E.R. Atwill, A.I. Packman, and X. Li.  2015.  Microbial indicators, pathogens, and antibiotic resistance in groundwater impacted by animal farming: field scale to basin scale, American Geophysical Union Annual Fall Meeting. San Francisco, California. December 14-18.

Jeamsripong S, Millner P, Sharma M, Oryang D, Jay-Russell M. 2015. Exploration of the impact of application intervals for the use of raw animal manure as a soil amendment on tomato contamination. (Winner FDA OFVM Outstanding Collaboration Award), 5th Annual FDA Foods and Veterinary Science and Research Conference, Silver Springs, MD, Aug 13-14.

Jeamsripong S, Millner P, Sharma M, Zwieniecka A, Wong J, Aminabadi P, Atwill E, Jay-Russell M. 2015. Field-validation of minimum application intervals for use of raw animal manure as a soil amendment in the Central Valley, California (P1-176). 2015. Annual IAFP Meeting, Portland, OR, Jul 25-28.

Kahn-Rivadeneira P, Knox C, Aminabadi P, Justice-Allen A, Jay-Russell MT. 2015. Spatial and temporal factors affecting prevalence of Salmonella and STEC in wild birds and rodents in proximity to CAFOs and vegetable fields in the Southwestern desert (T9-03). 2015. Annual IAFP Meeting, Portland, OR, Jul 25-28.

Lieberman, V. and L.J. Harris. 2015. Survival or growth of inoculated Listeria monocytogenes on yellow onions (Allium cepa) under conditions simulating food service and consumer handling and storage. III International Conference on Fresh-cut Produce, Davis, CA, September 13-18.

Lieberman, V., M. Yang, T. Jones, E.R. Atwill., and L. Harris.  2015. Presence and levels of Salmonella on raw California pistachios,  (Poster P1-84) Annual Meeting IAFP, Portland, Oregon. July 25-28.

Moussavi, M., C. Theofel, and L. J. Harris.  2015.  Reduction of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes on Inoculated Almonds Exposed to Different Heat Treatments, (Abstract P1-86) Annual IAFP Meeting 2015, Portland, OR, July 25-28.

Moyne, A.L., Waite-Cusic, J. and L. J. Harris.  2015.  Behavior of Escherichia coli in field-inoculated sweet onions during conventional curing, (Abstract P3-184) Annual Meeting IAFP 2015, Portland, OR, July 25-28.

Pitesky, M., E.R. Atwill, M. Cadena, J. Chase, and A. Korey. 2015. A novel biosensor detects and quantifies Salmonella spp. in seconds; a comparison to a traditional ELISA.  International Poultry Exposition. Atlanta, Georgia. January 26-28.

Theofel, C., T. Williams, E. Gutierrez, G. Davidson, P. Aminabadi, M. T. Jay-Russell, and L. J. Harris.  2015.  An assessment of the potential for movement of microorganisms from a poultry operation to an adjacent almond orchard, (Abstract P1-162) Annual Meeting IAFP 2015, Portland, OR, July 25-28.

Tertuliano, M., G. Vellidis, C. Harris, S. Rajeev, E. Antaki, M. Jay-Russell M, D. Lee, K. Levy. Does Salmonella move from sources through irrigation systems on mixed produce farms? A case study in the southeastern US. Water Microbiology Conference 2015, Chapel Hill, NC, May 18-21.

Wang F, Ruan L, Jeamsripong S, Jay-Russell MT, Buchanan R. 2015. Survival of key Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli and Salmonella serotypes in various domestic animal feces (P1-174). Annual IAFP Meeting, Portland, OR, July 25-28.


Atwill, E.R., M.L. Partyka, R.F. Bond, J. Chase, X. Li, K. Kilonzo, and E. Vivas.  2014.  Conservation practices and food safety in California. Annual Meeting of the Soil and Water Conservation Society. Lombard, Illinois. July 27-30.

Atwill, E.R., M.L. Partyka, R.F. Bond, J. Chase, X. Li, K. Kilonzo, and  E. Vivas. 2014. Conservation practices and food safety in California.  Annual Meeting of the Soil Science Society of America. Long Beach, California. November 2-5.

R.F. Bond, M. L. Partyka, P. Aminabadi, C. M. Rock, K. D. Nolte, E. R. Atwill and M. Jay-Russell. 2014. Evaluation of indicator Escherichia coli, fecal coliforms, E. coli O157 and salmonella spp. in surface waters of the southwest desert canal network. Journal of Food Protection Abstracts. Supplement A, Vol 77. 2014 IAFP Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN., August 3-6th. ISSN: 0362-028X.

Davidson, G., V. Lieberman, and L. J. Harris.  2014.  Efficacy of peroxyacetic acid against Salmonella and native microbiota in float tank water used during commercial walnut hulling, (Abstract P-154) Annual Meeting IAFP 2014, Indianapolis, IN, August 3–6.

Harter, T., S. Cook, X. Li, E.R. Atwill, A.I. Packman, C. Puente, and N. Watanabe.  2014. Nonpoint source loading of fecal bacteria to a shallow heterogeneous aquifer: stochastic forcing versus stochastic transport. Ninth International Symposium on Subsurface Microbiology. Pacific Grove, California. October 5-10.

Jay-Russell MT, Vellidis G, Coker D, Henry H, Aminabadi P, Antaki E. 2014. Low concentration of Salmonella in farm ponds and irrigation distribution systems used for mixed produce production in southern Georgia (P1-138). 2014. Annual IAFP Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, Aug 3–6.

Kahn-Rivadeneira P, Knox C. Aminabadi P, Li X, Atwill ER, Justice-Allen A, Jay-Russell MT. 2014. An approach to examining the wildlife and livestock interface with leafy green produce in the southwest desert. 26th Vertebrate Pest Conference, Waikoloa Village, HI, March 3-6.

Kahn-Rivadeneira P, Knox C, Aminabadi, P, Justice-Allen, A, Jay-Russell MT. 2014. The role of wildlife in the transfer of enteric zoonotic pathogens from livestock to leafy green produce fields in the desert southwest.  63rd Annual International Conference of the Wildlife Disease Association, Albuquerque, NM, July 27-August 1.

Larsen, R.  E.R. Atwill, M. Jay-Russell, R. Mandrell, M. Cooley, L. Benjamin, E. Vivas, and C. Kilonzo.  2014. Pathogen risks from livestock, wildlife and the environment in the California Central Coast.  9th Biennial Associated Natural Resource Extension Professional Conference. Sacramento, California. May 18-22.

Li B, Jackson SA, Zhao S, Vellidis G, Hu Z, Liu H, Abbott J, Jay-Russell M, Wright A, Gangiredla J, Chen J-Q, Elkins CA. 2014. Diversity of Salmonella enterica and multidrug resistant-AmpC phenotype isolates from surface waters in Southeastern United States (P-1162). 114th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Boston, MA, May 17-20.

Li, X., E.R. Atwill, E. Antaki, and T. Harter. 2014. Antibiotic resistance of E. coli and Enterococcus collected from monitoring wells on dairies and from domestic wells in the San Joaquin Valley, California. Ninth International Symposium on Subsurface Microbiology. Pacific Grove, California. October 5-10.

McKellar, R., F. Peréz Rodríguez, L. J. Harris, A. Moyne, B. Blais, E. Topp, G. Bezanson, S. Bach, and P. Delaquis.  2014.  Evaluation of mathematical models to describe Escherichia coli O157:H7 decay on field-grown leafy vegetables, (Abstract T3-10) Annual Meeting IAFP 2014, Indianapolis, IN, August 3–6.

Melzer, M., A. Moyne, T. Blessington, A. Alvarez, M. Jay-Russell, and L. J. Harris.  2014.  Persistence of Escherichia coli on basil in tropical environments, Annual Meeting IAFP 2014, Indianapolis, IN, August 3–6 (Abstract P1-125).

Moyne, A., and L. J. Harris.  2014.  Survival of Escherichia coli in field-inoculated basil, (Abstract P1-126), (Abstract P1-126) Annual Meeting IAFP 2014, Indianapolis, IN, August 3–6.

Theofel, C., and L. J. Harris.  2014.  Impact of refrigerated storage on thermal inactivation of Enterococcus faecium NRRL B-2354 and Salmonella Enteritidis PT 30 ATCC BAA-1045 on inoculated almonds, (Abstract P-170) Annual Meeting IAFP 2014, Indianapolis, IN, August 3–6.


Aminabadi, P., L. Smith, P. Adams, G. Vellidis, D. Coker, Y. Liu, E.R. Atwill, and M. Jay-Russell.  2013. Evaluation of foodborne pathogens in aquatic wildlife and irrigation ponds in southeastern Georgia. Annual IAFP Meeting, North Carolina. July 31.

Atwill, E.R., J.A. Carabez, M.T. Jay-Russell, S. Jeamsripong, A. Moyne, L.J. Harris, and D. Oryang.  2013. In-field transfer and survival of E. coli from wildlife feces to Romaine lettuce. 3rd Annual FDA Foods and Veterinary Medicine Science and Research Conference. College Park, Maryland. August 27-28.

Jeamsripong S., M.T.,Jay-Russell, J.A. Carabez, E.R. Atwill, A.L. Moyne, A. Fisher, M. Faubel, R.F. Bond, M.L. Partyka, L.J. Harris, D. Oryang. 2013. Simulation of wildlife fecal contamination of Romaine lettuce by indicator Escherichia coli. (Abstract P3-133), Annual IAFP Meeting, Charlotte, NC, July 31.

Jeamsripong S., M.T.,Jay-Russell, J.A. Carabez, E.R. Atwill, A.L. Moyne, A. Fisher, M. Faubel, R.F. Bond, M.L. Partyka, L.J. Harris, D. Oryang. 2013. In-field transfer and survival of indicator E. coli from wildlife feces to Romaine lettuce. United Fresh 2013, San Diego, CA, May 15.

Jeamsripong S., M.T.,Jay-Russell, J.A. Carabez, E.R. Atwill, A.L. Moyne, A. Fisher, M. Faubel, R.F. Bond, M.L. Partyka, L.J. Harris, D. Oryang. 2013 In-field transfer and survival of indicator E. coli from wildlife feces to Romaine lettuce. Western Food Safety Summit, Hartnell College, Salinas, CA, May 10.

Larsen, R.  E.R. Atwill, M. Jay-Russell, R. Mandrell, M. Cooley, L. Benjamin, E. Vivas, and C. Kilonzo.  2013. Pathogen risks from livestock, wildlife and the environment in the California Central Coast. Society for Range Management Annual Meeting. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. February 2-8.

Li, B., J.Q. Chen, M. Jay-Russell, G. Vellidis, A. Wright, Z. Hu, J. Gangiredia, S.A. Jackson, C.A. Elkins. 2013 Rapid detection and serovar identification of Salmonella by real-time PCR and microarray from environmental irrigation water sources. Third Annual FDA Food and Veterinary Medicine Science and Research Conference Food Safety, Veterinary Medicine, Nutrition and Cosmetics Research: Meeting the Challenges of a Global Supply Chain, Silver Springs, MD, Aug 27-28.

Li, B., J.Q. Chen, M. Jay-Russell, G. Vellidis, A. Wright, Z. Hu, J. Gangiredia, S.A. Jackson, C.A. Elkins. 2013. Rapid detection and serovar identification of Salmonella by real-time PCR and microarray from environmental irrigation water sources (Abstract P-1162). Annual IAFP Meeting, Charlotte, NC, July 31.

Theofel, C., E. Guitierrez, G. Davidson, M. Jay-Russell, L. Harris. 2013. Sources and mechanisms of transfer of Salmonella in the production almond environment. The Almond Conference, Sacramento, CA, Dec 3-5.


Atwill, E.R., M. Jay-Russell, X. Li, B. Martin, P.D. Newman, J. Sherman. 2012. Food safety and wildlife panel discussion. 25th Vertebrate Pest Conference, Monterey, CA, March 5-8.

Blessington, T., A. Moyne, and L.J. Harris. 2012. Survival of foodborne pathogens on cilantro plants after transfer via wet- and dry- inoculation methods. International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting, Providence, RI, July 22-25. (Abstract P3- 37).

Blessington, T., A. Moyne, and L.J. Harris. 2012. Impact of inoculation time (evening or morning) on Escherichia coli O157:H7 survival on preharvest cilantro.  (Abstract P3-47) ,Annual IAFP Meeting Providence, RI, July 22-25.

Chen, S., X. Gong, X. Li, Y. Zhang, P. Qu, and E.R. Atwill. 2012. Mip-genotyping of Legionella isolates from central air-conditioning cooling towers in Guangzhou public places.  American Society for Microbiology 112th General Annual Meeting. San Francisco, California. June 16-19.

Chen, S., L. Song, X. Li, S. Hou, and  E.R. Atwill. 2012. Rapid detection of Brucella by loop-mediated isothermal amplification. International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting. Providence, Rhode Island. July 22-25.

Cook, S., X. Li, E.R. Atwill, A.I. Packman, C. Puente, N. Watanabe, and T. Harter. 2012. Non-point source loading of fecal bacteria to a shallow heterogenous aquifer: stochastic forcing versus stochastic transport. Canadian Water Network, Banff, Canada.  September 23-26.

Fisher, A.M., Y. Liu, A. Thiptara, T. Nguyen, and M. Jay-Russell.  2012.  Occurrence of shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica in domestic and wild canid populations in a U.S.-Mexico desert southwest produce production region.  International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases Programs and Abstracts Book, Atlanta, GA: p. 114.

Fisher, A.M., A. Thiptara, T. Nguyen, M. Jay-Russell. 2012. Occurrence of shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica in domestic and wild canid populations in a U.S.-Mexico desert southwest produce production region. Wester Food Safety Summit, Hartnell College, Salinas, CA, May 12.

Frelka, J., T. Blessington, and L.J. Harris. 2012. The impact of shell damage and peracetic acid on microbial loads of harvested and  hulled walnuts. (Abstract P2-51), Annual IAFP Meeting, Providence, RI, July 22-25.

Harter, T., S. Cook, X. Li, E.R. Atwill, and A.I. Packman. 2012. Stochastic analysis of non-point source loading of fecal bacteria in shallow heterogeneous aquifer. Land Grant & Sea Grant National Water Conference, Portland, OR, May 20-24.

Jay-Russell, M.T., L. Gorski, J. Montfort, Y. Liu, A. Fisher, S. Huang, J. Wheeler, D. Reis, R.E. Mandrell, X. Li, and E.R. Atwill.  2012.  Evaluation of amphibians and reptiles as potential reservoirs of foodborne pathogens and risk reduction to protect fresh produce and the environment. Western Food Safety Summit, Hartnell College, Salinas, CA, May 12.

Jay-Russell, M., J.E. Madigan, Y. Liu, A. Fisher, S. Madigan, and B.A. Byrne. 2012. Isolation of Salmonella Oranienburg from horses and  wild turkeys on a ranch in northern California, and contamination of the family’s edible home garden following raw manure application. International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases Program and Abstracts Book, Atlanta, GA: p. 71.

Jensen, D., D. Schaffner, M.D. Danyluk, and L.J. Harris. 2012. Efficacy of handwashing methods and drying methods. (Abstract T9-11), Annual IAFP Meeting, Providence, RI, July 22-25.

Kolodziej, E.P., G.D. Jones, I.E. Popova, D.A. Bair, S.J. Parikh, E.R. Atwill, A.T. O’Geen, and K.W. Tate. 2012. Transport and mitigation of beef cattle veterinary pharmaceuticals and hormones. Land Grant & Sea Grant National Water Conference, May 20-24, 2012, Portland, OR.

Lambertini, E., H. Wang, H. Fushing, M.L. Partyka, and E.R. Atwill. 2012. Microbial contamination patterns in irrigation waters: towards optimized monitoring and risk predictions.

EcoHealth 2012: Sustaining Ecosytems, Supporting Health.  Kunming City, China.  October 15-18.

Li, X., E.R. Atwill, S. and Chen. 2012. Occurrence of indicator and pathogenic bacteria in watersheds in California’s Central Valley,  Land Grant & Sea Grant National Water Conference, Portland, OR, May 20-24.

Packman, A.I., J.D. Drummond, A.F. Aubeneau, L. Hou, T. Harter, and E.R. Atwill. 2012. Observation and simulation of pathogen transmission over multiple scales in rivers. Canadian Water Network, Banff, Canada. September 23-26.

Park, Y., L. Hou, E.R. Atwill, A.I. Packman, A. Cortis, T. Harter.  2012. Attachment and long-term remobilization of C. parvum in porous media: experiment and quantitative analysis. Canadian Water Network, Banff, Canada. September 23-26.

Partyka, M.L., Bond, R.F., and E.R. Atwill. 2012. Salmonella in the Delta: Implications for Human Health, Ecosystem Services, and Resource Management. 2012 Bay-Delta Science Conference. Sacramento, CA., October 16-18th.

Rodriguez del Rey, Z., E.R. Atwill, and C. Ferguson.  2012.  Implementation of a wildlife scat monitoring program in the Bull Run watershed to estimate pathogen load rates. Water Quality Technology Conferernce, American Water Works Association. Toronto, Ontario. November 4-8.

Zhao, I.Y., and L.J. Harris. 2012. Evaluation of factors that influence the cross contamination of Escherichia coli between gloves and lettuce during harvesting.(Abstract P2-31), Annual IAFP Meeting, Providence, RI, July 22-25.  (Abstract P2-31).


Li, X, E.R. Atwill, E. Vivas, T. Vodovoz, C. Xiao, C. Kilonzo, M.T. Jay-Russell, and S. Huang.  2011. Occurrence of Giardia intestinalis in wild rodent populations in a major produce production region in California. General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, New Orleans, LA.

Li, X, E.R. Atwill, T. Vodovoz, E. Vivas, C. Xiao, C. Kilonzo, M.T. Jay-Russell, and T. Nguyen. 2011.  Cryptosporidium spp. in wild rodent populations adjacent to produce production fields. Annual IAFP Meeting, Milwaukee, WI.

Mandrell, R.E., M.H. Chapman, M. Jay-Russell, E.R. Atwill, E. Yee, A.H. Bates, L.A. Harden, J. Yambao, A. Gordus, and W.G. Miller.  2011. Incidence of eight Campylobacter species in livestock, wildlife and watersheds in a major produce production region of California and isolation of two new species, C. molothri sp. nov. and C. californiensis sp. nov.  16th International Workshop on Campylobacter, Helicobacter, and Related Organisms, Vancouver, Canada.

Tate, K., E.P. Kolodziej, E.R. Atwill, A. Craigmill, T. O’Geen, D. Holstege, S.J. Parikh, and G.D. Jones.  2011. Transport and mitigation of beef cattle veterinary pharmaceuticals and hormones. 2011 Land Grant and Sea Grant National Water Conference. Washington, D.C. January 31- February 1.


Cooley, M.B., D. Carychao, R. Patel, S. Chandler, D. Orthmeyer, M.T. Jay, E.R. Atwill, and R.E. Mandrell .  2010.  Characterization of shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli isolated from ranches and farms in the Salinas region of California.  110th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. San Diego, California. May 23-27.

Gorski, L., A.S. Liang, M. Jay-Russell, E.R. Atwill, S. Chandler, D. Orthmeyer, and  R.E. Mandrell.  2010.  A survey for the prevalence of Salmonella in the California agricultural and wildlife environments.  110th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. San Diego, California. May 23-27.

Harter, T., Y. Park, E.R. Atwill, L. Hou, and A.I. Packman.  2010. Subsurface fate and transport modeling of Cryptosporidium parvum. Symposium on Ground Water-borne Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Etiologic Agents and Indicators, United States EPA. Washington, DC. January 26-27.

Harter, T., N. Watanabe, E.R. Atwill, X. Li, and B. Bergamaschi. 2010.  Confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs) as a source of ground water pathogens and indicator organisms. Symposium on Ground Water-borne Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Etiologic Agents and Indicators, United States EPA. Washington, DC. January 26-27.

Jay, M. T., E.R. Atwill, M. Cooley, D. Carychao, E. Vivas, S. Chandler, D. Orthmeyer, X. Li, and R.E. Mandrell  2010.  Occurrence of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in wildlife populations in a major produce production region in California. (Abstract Z-970), 110th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. San Diego, California. May 23-27.

Li, X., T. H. Nguyen, E. R. Atwill, B.R. Hoar, M. Jay-Russell, J. A. Carabez, K. Fernandez, E. J. Vivas, N. Martinez, and B. McNabb.  2010.  Infectious dose in neonatal Jersey calves of an E. coli O157:H7 strain from the 2006 spinach outbreak.  Annual IAFP Meeting, Anaheim, California, August 1-4.

Mandrell, R.E., M.H. Chapman, M. Jay-Russell, E.R. Atwill, E. Yee, A.H. Bates, S.C. Chandler, D.L. Orthmeyer, A. Gordus, and W.G. Miller.  2010.  Incidence of Campylobacter species in livestock, wildlife and watersheds in a major produce production region of California.  110th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. San Diego, California. May 23-27.

Vivas, E., E.R. Atwill, M. Jay-Russell, X. Li, T. Vodovoz, L. Benjamin, M. Partyka, R. Mandrell, and M. Cooley.  2010. Sampling of wild rodents for foodborne pathogens along produce fields on the California Central Coast.  Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists Annual Conference. Portland, Oregon. June 6-10.

Vivas, E., E.R. Atwill, M. Jay-Russell, X. Li, T. Vodovoz, L. Benjamin, M. Partyka, R. Mandrell, and M. Cooley.  2010. Sampling of wild rodents for foodborne pathogens along produce fields on the California central coast. 59th Annual James H. Steele Conference on Diseases in Nature Transmissible to Man. Fort Worth, Texas.  June 2-5.


Lewis, D.J., E.R. Atwill, M.D.G. Pereira, R.F. Bond, M. Huerta. 2008. Estuary sediment and suspended solids bacteria: implications for microbial pollution sources and monitoring. 2008 USDA-CSREES National Water Conference. Sparks, NV. February 3-7.